Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass!

My prediction of four months for the Interim Manager was incorrect. It turns out that this Thursday is the last day for this hack that has caused irrepairable damage. So that would make three and one half months the number. A list of poor decisions and a zone of fear to work in are the legacy. This writer will be extraordinarily happy when she is gone.

With no new qualified manager waiting to take the reins the port will struggle to continue. Of course when you consider there have been more than five managers in as many years you can come to the conclusion fairly easy that the manager, or at least the ones that have been there, are not important to the survival of the port. The next task will be to survive the meddling commissioners.

It seems to never end.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The absolute, certifiable, insanity continues...

And now the senior man in the shop has been fired ... for insubordination.
Over seventeen years on the job and he gets canned by someone that is unqualified to be in the "Manager" position.

How does this lunatic masquerading as a manager continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the commissioners? Simple, they are, for the most part, incompetent as well. There are five commissioners and two full-time, hourly, employees. The previous manager referred to three commissioners as "The Three Stooges" for their inability to function in their job as commissioners and for the outlandish statements and decisions made by them.

One citizen said, "that place has been a rats nest since I can remember." It is much worse than that.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Hiatus Will Occur Soon.

This reporter will go from being a live witness to one that reports what is heard from others. I suspect this will not change the facts much.

The hiatus will last approximately four months.

Check back from time-to-time.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just a quick question ... complete with answer

Q: How far can you drive to pick up three gallons of paint and two heaters?
A: One hundred and eleven miles.

But only if you're the designated volunteer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What color is that? Why I believe it's Blue

Blue? Would anyone truly paint an office blue? Particularly an office that has the public as visitors? And then add characters as decoration? I'm seeing cracks and I don't mean in the walls that are now painted blue.

Paint it blue...paint it blue. Everyone knows you should paint it black.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Twing Twang we all get a bang

This is pitiful.
The two senior guys are cleaning, repairing, and painting the bathrooms. No help.
The most senior guy got his butt chewed for not clearing out a desk in the shop area for the "interim" manager to sit at. Translation: "clear out your desk, cause that's where I'm going to sit." Or words to that affect.

I don't believe I've ever seen a person that's supposed to be a leader employ humuliation of subordinates to this degree.